expertise in micro nano bubble generation and its application makes us your preferred technology partner and OEM supplier.
Most Advance Micro Nano Bubble Generation Technology
Micro Nano Bubbles are our passion
NANOBBLE - Micro Nano Bubble Generator (DAF) Air Liquid Mixing Regenerative Pumps & Technology
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Find the range of Micro Nano Bubble generators from very small to huge to suite your application
NANOBBLE is Global Leader in Providing Most Advanced, efficient, economical & reliable micro nano bubble generator regenerative turbine (DAF) pump technology for various applications like Dissolved Air Flotation, Ozonation, Water & waste water treatment, sewage treatment, effluent treatment, aquaculture aeration, aeration for recirculated aquaculture system etc. We also provide services like R&D for micro nano bubble application development, micro nano bubble process development, implement & validation.
Micro Nano Bubbles for All Applications
Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) Aquaculture Aeration Ozonation ETP / WTP / STP Spa & Bathing Swimming Pools
We have successfully provided our micro nano bubble generators to many OEM and application developers in various fields.
Unique Properties of
Micro Nano Bubbles
Extremely Slow rising velocity
Micro Nano Bubbles rises very slowly to the surface and remains longer time in liquid body. Gives longer contact time.
Large gas dissolution
When the mass transfer rate of the 1 mm bubble during 1 mm rise is considered as 1, mass transfer rates of 10 μm and 100 nm bubbles become 10^8 and 10^18, respectively, due to the decrease in rising velocity. By using MBs, the dissolution rate increases rapidly.
Dissolution and contraction
A 20 μm MB contracts and under 10 μm, it contacts rapidly and disappears. On the other hand, MBs larger than 65 μm will expand further.
Ultrasonic wave generation
Micro Nano Bubbles are self contracting in liquid body and at the time of bursting they generates ultrasonic waves releasing huge amount of sonic waves.

Negatively charged surface
Micro Nano bubbles shows negative zeta potential and their surface is negatively charged.
From our blog
Application of Micro and Nano Bubbles in Semiconductor industry
Semiconductor industry has been one of the fastest growing industries over the past few decades. Micro and nano bubbles, which are tiny gas bubbles with diameters ranging from a few micrometers to a few nanometers, have found a variety of applications in this industry. In this article, we will explore some of the ways in…
Application of Micro Bubbles for Oil and Water Separation in produced water in Oil and Gas Industry
Micro bubbles for water treatment Mr Vishalkumar Suthar Write detailed article on Micro bubbles application for oil amd water separation for produced water using dissolved air flotation and induced gas flotation. In the oil and gas industry, water is often produced alongside oil during the extraction process. This produced water contains a…
How free radicals are generated in micro and nanobubbles?
Micro and nanobubbles are tiny gas-filled bubbles that are extensively used in various applications such as biomedical imaging, drug delivery, and water treatment. Free radicals are highly reactive chemical species that can cause damage to biological molecules such as lipids, proteins, and DNA. Free radicals are generated in micro and nanobubbles due to various mechanisms,…
Our Clients

Micro Nano Bubbles - The Key to sustainable water utilization / re-utilization.
The key disruptive technology for today and future to reduce global water issues. Les’t join hands for the most critical resource issue of our lifetime and our children’s lifetime. The health of our waters is the principal measure of how we live on the land. In this century wars will not be fought over oil, as in the past, but over water. The situation is becoming desperate. The world’s water is strained by population growth. There is no more fresh water on earth than two thousand years ago when the population was three percent of its current size. Even without the inevitable droughts, like the current one, it will get worse as demand and pollution increase. Some countries will simply run out of water, sparking a global refugee crisis. Tens of millions of people will flood across international borders. It means the collapse of fisheries, environmental destruction, conflict, lower living standards. As people who deal with the ocean you must see the irony. We are facing a shortage on a planet whose surface is covered two-thirds with water.
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